Are We Addicted to Healing?

Are We Addicted to Healing?

Are We Addicted to Healing?

There seems to be the craze sweeping across the world around healing and becoming our own gurus. And while this is incredible to witness, like anything that succumbs to group think, the pendulum has the propensity to swing too far in the other direction. 
In this case the propensity is to become addicted to healing, self-help books, gurus, to knowing what the current energies are and what the future will hold. In turn it can start to become this anxiety ridden quest for perfection.
In the last few months I've been working through these addictions within myself. And on this journey I've discovered that this quest to heal are rooted in belief systems within our subconscious that say "I'm not worthy", "I'm not ready", "if I just read this book", "if I just do this retreat", "if I sit in one more ceremony", "if I eat this", "if I share this Instagram post", "if I just fix this problem then I will have arrived".
And while it is a noble cause to dive deep within and become conscious of our belief systems it is so easy to get stuck in a pattern of needing to prove our worthiness and reaffirming we're not enough through our constant need to fix who we are rather than accepting and loving ourselves as we are, right here, right now.
Here's the thing about shadows, shadows are simply the defense mechanisms that we have learned through conditioning, trauma and fear that we believe will protect our light. Something along the way happened that created a belief that says we need to hide our light or it will be attacked. So the healing journey is actually quite simple; it is an acceptance of our birthright and allowing that to be who We Are. Which is love, presence, Grace, compassion, understanding, gratitude, Joy, passion, truth, abundance, peace. We are born into this world with all of these things. And yet we are also the only ones who won't allow us to experience them.
The moment we accept our natural state of being we can then begin to embody it. We're no longer striving to be perfect but to be present. To allow ourselves to accept what is and consciously striving to make the world a better place through simple daily acts done with intention.
When we get lost on the healing journey and believe we still have so much to fix within ourselves what happens is we end up projecting that on to others. We start to take this holier than thou approach and we see problems everywhere and in everyone. We believe that because we're on the healing journey that somehow there are others below us and we become quick to point that out, when that is simply not the case. For we are all spiritual by nature we all have the same birthright. The question is are you ready to accept it?
You just need to be present enough to witness the unconscious beliefs as they arise. When you realize who you really are, you realize you were always there. It's not some destination or end goal to achieve. it's the act or becoming who you always were.
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