Doula Services

Doula Services

Serving Linn, Benton and Lane Counties

What is a Doula?

The role of a Birth Doula is to provide physical, emotional and informational support to the client during pregnancy, labor/birth and into postpartum. 
A birth doulas scope of practice does not include providing clinical, medical or midwifery care, diagnosing conditions or giving medical advice.
Doulas do not make decisions for their clients or project their values or goals upon them.

Benefits of Hiring a Doula

Your doctor or midwife is primarily concerned with you and your baby’s physical well-being, just as they should be. But birth is more than blood pressure checks and centimeters of dilation, more than contractions and monitors. Research shows that the continuous support of a trained birth doula significantly affects birth outcomes.
  • 31% decrease in the use of Pitocin to induce or augment labor
  • 28% decrease in the risk of Cesarean birth
  • 9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief
  • 14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery
  • 34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience
  • 12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth

How to Select a Doula

It is so important to be fully aligned to your doula. They will be with you throughout your pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Their energy and experience will guide you and set the tone for the care you receive. 
Here are a list of questions to ask yourself and your doula when selecting the quality of care and doula of your choice.
  1. Do I feel we are a compatible match and does their approach to care align with my birth goals, philosophy and values?
  2. What specialties do they bring to the table and will I find benefit from these during my pregnancy, birth and postpartum care?
  3. Does their availability align with my scheduling needs?
  4. Am I looking for a doula to take charge or follow my lead?
  5. What specific tasks and goals do I envision needing help with the most?
  6. Are there any days of the week and times that I anticipate requiring care?
  7. What are some postpartum healing methods they offer?
  8. Am I wanting to focus on physical support or emotional and spiritual support as well?
  9. Do I want to speak with references and what will I ask them?


My Philosophy as a Doula

One of the challenges of birth is navigating the unfamiliar and sometimes uncomfortable environment of the hospital or birth center. In the intensity of labor, you may find it difficult to know just how things are supposed to be, and what the right decisions are. I will help you understand your options, and fully support the decisions you make. 

Feeling comfortable during childbirth can require the use of various comforting techniques, and I can help you find the ones that work for you! But in addition to coping with labor itself, one of the key factors in being satisfied with your birth has everything to do with your voice being heard and your wishes being respected. Often, when women report having “difficult” or “traumatic” birth experiences, the common factor in those experiences is not whether or not they had a cesarean section, or were induced, or any other specific intervention. The common factor is that their voices are not heard and their wishes are not respected. 

Apart from genuine medical emergencies, it is the loss of autonomy and respect that undermines the empowerment that birth naturally brings to women. And this is where partnering with a doula comes in. Not all doulas take on the advocate role, but this doula does. I will help you understand your options, remind your birth team of your wishes, and call out circumstances where your voice isn’t being heard or respected. I will fully support the choices you make, including when your wishes change.

My goal is to be there with you throughout your pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum so that we can map out your birth plan, explore options, help support you physically, emotionally and with resources as your pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum needs develop and change. 

I believe pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum are highly individualized, personal and sacred experiences. And therefore I strive to cater my services to meet the needs of each individual through trauma informed care, deep listening and advocacy. I want you to always feel like your in the drivers seat and setting the tone for the experience you wish to have. 

Doula Packages

5 Session Commitment

  • 2 Prenatal Appointments, Labor and Delivery, 2 Postpartum Visits
  • Prenatal visits: Discuss nutritional needs, address personal goals, values, needs and resources and birthing and care options to ensure you are feeling empowered, informed and excited about your birthing team, wellness, pregnancy and birth plan.
  • Labor and Delivery: I will join you physically once you are in active labor and will stay there as needed, until delivery and for up to two hours after if needed. 
  • Postpartum visits: 3 hours each appointment in which you are free to utilize my support however you need most which may include; body work, newborn care information, lactation support, baby wearing, cooking, light housecleaning, sibling care, herbal support and/or providing additional resources as needed. 

$1500 investment


 If you would like more information and to set up a courtesy call or meet please fill out the contact form below and I will respond within 24 hours during normal business hours.


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