The Heart As A Bridge

The Heart As A Bridge

The Heart as a Bridge

What purpose does the heart serve for you? Beyond the anatomical properties and into the realm of spirit and emotions; what does the heart signify to you? 

Some believe that the heart is the rose colored lens in which all things can be filtered through the perspective and vibration of love. And while this is true, I think this concept on it's own can lead to bypassing and judgment of the deeper emotions and thus a favoritism towards those which are light and fluffy as representative of love. In turn, perpetuate this concept that enlightenment is feeling only "positive" emotions and loving acceptance of what is. Or the idea that "negative" emotions are bad and thus a separation from love.
The Process Of Acceptance 
But what about when the process in-between? The process that comes after acceptance - acceptance of what is is not always light and love. The acceptance of loss is still followed by a process of grief and adjustment to a new normal. The acceptance of anger does not magically make the emotion disappear and joy and love soon follows. These processes are different for us all; some are able to go to these depths and uncover the lessons in a day, some a month, and others a year or even decades. It's all subjective depending on the individual; how much they can let in at any given time, the depth in which they are being called and the level of resistance or honesty they bring with them on the journey. 
The Bridge
What if we shifted our perception from the heart being all that brings about "good" or "love and light" and saw it as the bridge - the bridge between the higher realms and the underworld? The space that grants you the awareness, space and the courage to meet not your "negative" emotions, but your deeper emotions and abandoned parts of yourself we've been to scared to face? 
The Underworld
The underworld is not a place of fear, nor of demons and it is not "negative". It is the yin to the yang. It is the place where emotions are stored and creativity and inspiration is born; it's dark, watery and fluid. It is the blank canvas in which we paint our dreams. It is the nurturing mother awaiting our return to reclaim all parts of ourselves. The dark soil in which a seed is germinated. The womb in which a child is born. The stillness. The quiet. The void. The depth. 
The upper world is our connection to truth, to wisdom, our voice, discernment, logic, inspired action, the sun. The yang to the yin. 
“The meaning of “whole” or “wholeness” is to make holy or to heal. The descent into the depths will bring healing. It is the way to the total being, to the treasure which suffering mankind is forever seeking, which is hidden in the place guarded by terrible danger. This is the place of primordial unconsciousness and at the same time the place of healing and redemption, because it contains the jewel of wholeness. It is the cave where the dragon of chaos lives and it is also the indestructible city, the magic circle . . . the sacred precinct where all the split-off parts of the personality are united.”

― Carl Jung

Harmonizing Yin and Yang
Our emotions, especially those seen as negative, are the key to harmonizing the yin and yang within us. We must have the courage to go to the underworld and reclaim the parts of us we have left behind if we are to access the upper worlds truthfully. Otherwise we see it displayed in forms of toxic positivity, lack of critical thinking, those who talk the talk but have not walked the walk, a lack of depth or discernment, no roots, entitlement, ego, projection, bypassing and so forth. All of the unconscious expressions of the shadow that refuses to be met at it's depth due to judgment and condemnation of it's existence. 
Heart as a Guiding System
So what if the heart served as our internal guiding system that indicates to us when it's time to journey into the underworld and uncover a part of ourselves that is begging to be seen. And what if our so called "negative" emotions were our invitation there?
What if we shifted this idea of emotions being positive or negative and instead learned to view them as a call to our depths? Releasing the judgment of what is a completely normal part of being human, so we can courageously meet the parts of ourselves we're scared of or that feel unworthy of our love?
Deeper Emotions
So called "negative" emotions are our teachers. Anger teaches us where our boundaries are. Sadness where our wounds lie. Grief teaches us acceptance and demonstrates the depth of our ability to love. Jealousy where we wish to grow. Shame and guilt where we need to show accountability. Resentment where we can practice forgiveness. And on it goes. 
What if we saw the heart as the seat of neutrality in which we release judgment and labels of all emotions and allowed ourselves to let them guide us to our depths? 
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1 comment

Wow!!! This article is what we’ve all been feeling!! We are hungering for more, and that can only start within. By meeting those places of deep pain by having the courage and accountability to validate and follow all of the emotions we feel, we are able to explore a new depth within that allows for expansion of the whole person. This author has perfectly put to words what my heart has been telling me for a long time now. “It’s time to grow, you are ready.”


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